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Artist: Kool Keith
Album: Black Elvis lost in Space
Label: Funky Ass
Production: Kool Keith, Jeremy Larner
Stats: 1999; 17 tracks
Reviewed by: Mass Dosage

One time Ultramagnetic MC Kool Keith takes on yet another persona and releases another album. This time he has modelled himself as a black Reincarnation of Elvis Presley and is on some smooth, space-pimp type shit. The beats, subject matter and lyrics all suit the concept perfectly and Keith proves that he is one of Hip-Hop's true chameleons. Unfortunately some songs suffer from tedious chorus' where Keith repeats a catch-phrase over and over (something he doesn't change with his image), but there are exceptions - I caught myself singing along to "Supergalactic Lover" a number of times. For anyone looking for something a bit different, Black Elvis is worth checking out, but don't expect it to break the ground that Dr. Octagon did. [7/10]

[This review was also published in SL magazine]

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